Monday, April 2, 2007


and we missed the whole thing!! Her game was away at Anson and it was a 2 hour ride so she took the bus to and from and I picked her up at 9:30 PM at the school. She left this morning at 7 am for school and just got back. Talk about a long day!! Anyway, she scored her first goal in the 2nd half of the game. She said they were all jumping up & down and they were so excited!! Unfortunately, they lost 4-3 but at least she scored a goal! WOO HOO Emily!!

I saw my first lightening bug tonight. I couldn't believe it. Its only April 2nd!! I think the first ones usually do come out in May so this is really early but its been in the 80's so I guess they are ready to come out of hiding. Where do lightening bugs go anyway in the winter?

1 comment:

Suzi said...

Congrats to Emily!!! Sorry they lost.

Where do butterflies go in the winter? And, how do they get back here? How long do butterfiles or lightingbugs live? Deep thoughts to ponder for a Tuesday.